No, not a treatise on the subject, there have been many, and with a far greater understanding than I.
No... something different.... but... different has thus far eluded me.
So.... it was with great pleasure when I spotted it .
Our local arts community commissioned an exhibit of photos by photographer Hans Silvester.
They have been on exhibit these past few weeks in front of the town's Mairie (city hall).
His masterful images in black and white, capture the romance and traditions of a Provence nearly lost to time.
Powerful images, full of movement and place. Gestural images... drawing one into the moment....
Lazy afternoon playing Boule under the Plane tree. |
Evocative village square with a Boule tourney underway. |
Serious business... which is closer? |
Pure form. |
The old guys are the ones you have to watch out for. |
You can almost here the clack of the boules. |
I don't know if her name is Fanny , but... all eyes are on the Boule and not... |
While in no way of the same league as the above, almost as a postscript, I add a few thoughts of my own...
Sanary's own Boule Club with it's excellent clay courts. |
Spotted in the window of a Funerary Florist Shop across the street from the Boule Club... a grave marker for the true enthusiast. |